Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The beginning

So I've been appointed a Grade 1/2 teacher for next year, and the principal has broadcast to everyone that I'm the computer-savvy kind of teacher she was looking for. I guess I did show the interview panel that DVD of slideshows I put together. I suppose that's where the idea came from!

Went into the school earlier this week for a term 1 planning session with the other (very experienced) teacher at the same level. Left the planning session promising to find lots of good interactive whiteboard resources to add into our program. Have spent the last couple of nights rattling around the internet finding all sorts of cool stuff (and some pretty lame and boring stuff as well) to hopefully use with the grades next year.

I'm hoping that with this blog I can save other teachers some time by compiling links to good FREE resources. Specifically, I'm hoping to help out some of my fellow recent graduates from La Trobe University by giving lovely links to the VELS curriculum framework. For those of you who have nothing to do with the state of Victoria in Australia, please just stick your fingers in your ears and shout, 'LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!' when these VELS parts come around -- they're sure to mean very very little to you.

And having made a grand promise, I'm now going to bed without following through with any goods. But, if you're very quiet and complete all your work on time, you may just get another blog entry from me tomorrow.

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